Can I just say God is good!! I feel so blessed to be able to represent Book Sneeze at the Women of Faith Conference. It was a blast, and I would not have been able to go had it not been for the generosity of Book Sneeze and Women of Faith.
Now on to my experience....we had 7th row seats! 7th row people I could actually see the speakers and performers without looking at a big tv shot of them! To get some perspective this first picture is from my 7th row seat! looking back at the audience! Its blurry, but I couldn't seem to make 1000 people sit still all at the same time.

The performer I was most looking forward to was Amy Grant! Big fan! She was amazing, very down to earth and told some amazing stories including one about her mother's death that was very powerful!

Now here is some more perspective from my seat to the stage! And it was a beautiful stage!

Did I mention that I not only one ticket but I won two! That's right I got to take along with me my good friend and fellow pastor Kim! We made another blogger take our picture infront of the stage and as you can see we have 4 minutes till break is over.

Here are all of the Book Sneeze bloggers posing for a picture. A lovely bunch of women!

Now to tell you about the conference! I had a blast the worship songs were amazing and got us all up and dancing! Mandisa (you might know her from a little show called American Idol) was awesome...there were many goose bumps during her performance. Then there were these dramas performed by a young women and they were even better than amazing....I have never cried so hard in public in my life. I thought maybe I was just an emotional wreck, but then when it ended you could see everyone reaching for their kleenexs!
Then there were the speakers! The speakers were inspirational! Patsy Clairmont gave listeners the courage to get out and do. Andy Anderson spoke with such enthusiasm and energy about so many things, but he told us to practice talking with a smile on our face, and read books even if you don't like to, it will make you better person.
Then Lisa talked about how lots of us have a burning desire to have a grownup friend, but we just don't know how to do it! I can tell you I cried during her talk as well, I am there folks, so if anyone wants to be my friend I need one! Oh and just cause Lisa told me so you better be imperfect, we don't want any perfect friends!
We also heard that we are enough for God and he is enough for us! Amen! Oh and from Marilyn Meberg that its ok to desire more as long as we can control our desires, because once we get to heaven we will have everything we need!
I feel like there was so much more, but this post is already long, but I can tell you that if you have been wondering if Women of Faith is worth it, it TOTALLY IS!!! I can't wait to go again.