Colton's Birthday! He is now three years old! We had a Disney Cars themed party, with family over to help celebrate. This was the big moment, blowing out his candles on the birthday cake he picked out!
This is the last snow storm we had. On the tractor to the left is my husband and on the tractor to the right my husband's boss (he works nights at Red Power Magazine, working on tractors). I believe they were out there for over two hours trying to get us a path wide enough for a pick-up to go through so that I could get to work for a little while. Oh this is the view from my kitchen window.
Last but certainly not least this is my son. My son as I found him sitting on my kitchen table watching his dad and "town ca" as he is loving referred to by Colton pushing snow. And don't you all know that you have to have your (in Colton's language) "goggle goggles" on to watch them push snow? A face only a mother could love! By the way we did get out that day about noon and I was able to get to work for a few hours.
On the baby front we STILL have not fully decided on a name. The husband was set on Nicholas, I was not in favor at all. Then he decided Shawn, which eh was okay I could live with. Then he decided he really didn't like Shawn. So last weekend when I finally made it to the city to do a little shopping I picked the husband up a baby names book. He looked it over that night and came up with Carson (which we won't mention that I have suggested like 1500 times!). Any whoo I am hoping this name sticks, cause I actually like this one! I have an ob check this Friday, so we'll see what that brings, so far everything seems to be right on track. OH and mom and I with a little help from the husband have almost got the nursery finished, so as soon as I get that done I will post some pictures!
Last but certainly not least this is my son. My son as I found him sitting on my kitchen table watching his dad and "town ca" as he is loving referred to by Colton pushing snow. And don't you all know that you have to have your (in Colton's language) "goggle goggles" on to watch them push snow? A face only a mother could love! By the way we did get out that day about noon and I was able to get to work for a few hours.
On the baby front we STILL have not fully decided on a name. The husband was set on Nicholas, I was not in favor at all. Then he decided Shawn, which eh was okay I could live with. Then he decided he really didn't like Shawn. So last weekend when I finally made it to the city to do a little shopping I picked the husband up a baby names book. He looked it over that night and came up with Carson (which we won't mention that I have suggested like 1500 times!). Any whoo I am hoping this name sticks, cause I actually like this one! I have an ob check this Friday, so we'll see what that brings, so far everything seems to be right on track. OH and mom and I with a little help from the husband have almost got the nursery finished, so as soon as I get that done I will post some pictures!