Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Fun
Hope everyone had a very happy Easter! We did at our house! Sat. I spent the day shopping with a friend and we had a blast! Meanwhile my Mom and Dad took Colton to an Easter Egg Hunt and to have his picture taken with the Easter bunny. I am sure there were some good pictures taken, but I don't have access to those so you'll just have to use your imagination! Sunday morning Colton and I got up very early and after looking through what the Easter Bunny brought we were off to to the sunrise service at my church which started at 7 am. This was while my husband sat in his church for an hour before the service started just so he could get a seat. Our service was really fun the senior high youth group did their version of the TV show NCIS and were hunting down Jesus! Luckily it only lasted about 20 minutes, which was about 15 minutes to long for my son. Then we went and had breakfast at church which was very nice! Next up was a stop at my mom and dad's to see if they could snap a picture of the two of us in our Easter clothes, well you can see from the first picture this did not happen! But trust me he did look adorable! Then lunch was served at my house for my family, followed by a very special viewing of the movie Cars! (Colton loves Mack the truck!) And that's it Easter at our house!
Colton playing with his truck and not wanting his picture taken!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Ahem, Introductions Please!

Today I was off reading the blogs that I keep up with and I came across Kimba's at A Soft Place to Land, and really enjoyed it. In fact I enjoyed it so much that I want to do what she is doing over here at my blog! Kimba was talking about how much friends mean to our world, and in the hard economic times how our online friends can mean even more to us! I think this is so true, and like her I know of few of you comment quite regularly and I read your blogs regularly, but the question is are we friends? I hope we are and can be! So I want to encourage everyone just like Kimba did to write a few things about yourself in the comment section so we can all get to know one another, and if you feel so obliged to do the same on your blog!
So here goes some things about me perhaps you did not know!
I'm left handed and so is my husband, yup we are a lefty household. Now my son well we're not sure yet he tends to do stuff with both of his hands! We are crossing our fingers that he ends up being left handed.
My spare time (whenever that happens) is used for a lot of church stuffies! I am the middle school youth group leader, I preach once a month at a small local church, am a part of the executive committee, worship committee, and education committee, plus we are just starting a work shop where I will be teaching three classes on intentional faith development! Wish me luck!
I also love to do crafts, scrapbook, take pictures and SHOP! My husband would tell you my weaknesses are shoes and purses, however I would tell you it's cute clothes for my son and scrapbooking supplies!
So there you have! A few things about me, now please add your own if you feel so compelled! And what would a post be without a picture! The picture above is of my family during a fall photo shoot, this is us having a little fun with it!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
We're Praying
You might have noticed on the right side of my blog the "Praying for Stellan" button. I have been reading about Stellan since before he was born and the doctors told him Mom and Dad that he would not live, and I followed Stellan's story when he was born and perfectly healthy as a matter of fact, and I now follow Stellan's story as he is VERY sick. He has been in the hospital for I believe 12 days as I write this with SVT, and I understand that to be an increased heart rate. He has had some very trying days, and so has his mother. From around the world people have been emailing his mom (MckMama) pictures with Stellan's name in it. So this week as I lead my middle school youth group we talked about Stellan and decided we too would take our picture and send it to Stellan and his Mom. So here is our picture, Stellan made it to Iowa! We are also praying for him as a church group. I want to encourage everyone to check out this story and send your prayers Stellan's way, what an amazing little boy.
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