Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Fun
Hope everyone had a very happy Easter! We did at our house! Sat. I spent the day shopping with a friend and we had a blast! Meanwhile my Mom and Dad took Colton to an Easter Egg Hunt and to have his picture taken with the Easter bunny. I am sure there were some good pictures taken, but I don't have access to those so you'll just have to use your imagination! Sunday morning Colton and I got up very early and after looking through what the Easter Bunny brought we were off to to the sunrise service at my church which started at 7 am. This was while my husband sat in his church for an hour before the service started just so he could get a seat. Our service was really fun the senior high youth group did their version of the TV show NCIS and were hunting down Jesus! Luckily it only lasted about 20 minutes, which was about 15 minutes to long for my son. Then we went and had breakfast at church which was very nice! Next up was a stop at my mom and dad's to see if they could snap a picture of the two of us in our Easter clothes, well you can see from the first picture this did not happen! But trust me he did look adorable! Then lunch was served at my house for my family, followed by a very special viewing of the movie Cars! (Colton loves Mack the truck!) And that's it Easter at our house!
Colton playing with his truck and not wanting his picture taken!
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Kristin, there is only one thing I don't like about your blog... Seeing your baby grow up right in front of my eyes. Oh my gosh. He looks like he is getting so big here. I know the bunny pictures with the Grandparents had to have turned out adorably! When doesn't he look cute as can be? Hope you have a wonderful Friday! I am SO glad the weekend is here! cute is he! Isn't it funny how they don't want their picture taken sometimes? My kids get totally annoyed at me...heehee.
LOL, I'd be holding on to that chocolate Easter bunny too!!!
How are you Kristin? I havent seen you in a minute and I came to say hi! I totally understand NOT seeing you though since you have dial up. If I had dial up you would NEVER see me either! Never, ever!
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