Tuesday, September 30, 2008
An At Home Weekend (for the most part)
Well...not much exciting going on this week at our house. I had my second installment of youth group on Wens. (too many boys!), we're planning to do a skit for both the Ida Grove and Arthur churches in a couple of weeks so we passed out parts and went over that, considering ALL the boys it went pretty good. This weekend the husband helped a local contractor do some shingling and then it was off to Sioux City to pick up the rest of the roofing supplies (among a few other goodies). When we came home with some stain in hand to try the kitchen chair my mom had finished stripping for us, and below is the beginnings of what the chair has come to look like. Just one more coat of varnish, and painting the back white and it will be done! Well of course I am going to do something with the seat, and of course there are 3 other chairs and the table to do, but PROGRESS!
Oh and yeah that's Nathan staining the chair! Earlier in the afternoon while the boys were off playing with Nathan's cousin (something about a combine), I went to the garden and picked pumbkins! Finishing with a few battle wounds but alas 20 pumpkins! Anyone want one?!? I have given a few away, but seriously what am I going to do with THAT many pumpkins?
Then there is THIS picture! This was while I was making supper and my little boy could not wait ANY longer for some food, and so I opened the fridge and let him pick out what he wanted to snack on. What does he pick? The same thing he always picks....weight watchers yogurt and his favorite flavor was on hand key lime pie. Yes that's right my boy LOVES weight watchers yogurt! Weird but true.
Though most parents would let their kids eat a snack before supper, with my kid its okay because after this entire cup of yogurt (and I mean entire he tries to drink what's left and if he can't get it with a handy dandy spoon then in goes the finger!) he ate a chicken leg, helping of green beans, a helping of stuffing...then we went to Dension to get groceries and he had a box of animal crackers and a small fry from McDonalds on the way home! Man can that kid eat! Anyways hope all of you who are reading have a fantastic week!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
LeT iT rAiN!!!
Let it rain and rain and rain some more! Why?!? Because this is what Nathan spent the weekend working on....

A new tin roof, in pretty white! Sooooo nice to not have to worry about a leaky roof! I think it looks much better as well! Why else are we not worried about the rain anymore? Because of this...
New white rock for our lane! Much prettier too! Oh and this....well don't mention it to Nathan but we went garage saling on Friday and look at one of the treasures we found! Colton loves to plant the vegetables and pick up the mail! He's not in this picture because he was off taking a nap Sunday afternoon. But you probably see too many pictures of him anyways!
Any whoo thats what we did this weekend, oh besides me driving to Omaha to go to a musical with Kayla which was worth the two hour drive in the middle of the night to get home to preach the next morning! Have a great week!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Time for the Fair
Saturday we our family along with Nathan's parents traveled to Spencer to attend the Clay County Fair! We were slightly disappointed with the weather. As you can see from the first picture it had just finished raining and was in fact still a little drizzly. But have no fear we still looked at EVERY tractor at the fair, and Colton enjoyed sitting in a couple and playing with all the buttons and things. Mary got a little worried when the tractor started talking back to them, but it seemed no harm done. And did I mention the food! You can't go to the fair without eating your weight in greasy, fried foods! For lunch Colton enjoy a delicious corn dog, Nathan and I had a cheese steak sandwich. Then we all shared some blooming onions, and greater taters, and cheescake on a stick, oh and dip n dots, and then of course Nathan had to have a turkey leg. Wow! That's a lot of FOOD! We also ended up with a bag of cotton candy at home, for the mere fact that Colton fell asleep on Dad's shoulder walking out of the fair! TIRED BOY! I think we all enjoyed our time at the fair.
Colton looking over the farmall tractors
Colton taking a break from his stoller to burn off some of that food, walking with Grandma and Grandpa.
Colton having a blast playing inside of a "DIGGER". Just ask him thats what he will tell you it is!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Colton and His Corn
While I was at Church last Sunday this is what Colton was doing! Nathan and Colton went over to help Jim and Jane (Nathan's Aunt and Uncle), and their two sons Brad and Darin. Brad just sent me this picture...awww so cute! It looks like they really put Colton to work doesn't it? Anywhoo when they finally came home from lunch Colton ate like he hadn't eaten in three days and then he took close to a four hour nap!!! Boy do they know how to wear a poor boy out, but have no fear we were back over that night to help again, and you might guess we had to stay after the work so Colton could have a SNACK!

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